
Hey guys so I'm back to tell you that with some coffee and inspiration much needed from EvelynnStarr143, I am going to get my book up either tomorrow or the day after that. Regardless it will be up soon so you can see all the hard work I've done, and by that I mean all my procrastination. Their will probably only be two chapters up to start with but I'm working on it. Peace Out-LadyS


near not new sorry guys


Haha we all know my time management is terrible....anyway how about I just say I shall have it up sometime in the new future instead of setting deadlines for myself just for me to break. 


Hey guys so I'm back to tell you that with some coffee and inspiration much needed from EvelynnStarr143, I am going to get my book up either tomorrow or the day after that. Regardless it will be up soon so you can see all the hard work I've done, and by that I mean all my procrastination. Their will probably only be two chapters up to start with but I'm working on it. Peace Out-LadyS


near not new sorry guys


Haha we all know my time management is terrible....anyway how about I just say I shall have it up sometime in the new future instead of setting deadlines for myself just for me to break. 


Hey people who I have completely let down...I know I said I would put my book up yesterday and I haven't yet I'm sorry, but to be completely honest who am I really disappointing I only have two follower so...


Ermurgur I have seven followers now my goal is to hit 10....if I hit 10 I will start an entirely new book, and I will actually update on time. I know impressive right. 


Oh look now I have three I had no clue I was that interesting.


If you didn't read this in my book, "My Awesome Life Continued," then I will tell you here. First off, i'm trying to update more(possibly two or three times a week we will see how that goes) and second off, My new book that I have been working on forever will be up hopefully on Sunday. Thank you guys for all the support and I hope you enjoy my book.