Like mentioned in my previous post, I'd like to work on my writing skills. I want my work to be a bit more professional and easy to read.
When I read the latest chapter which was supposed to be updated in a few days, I felt a huge sense of embarrassment and cringe. Not because of the content, but the way I wrote things.
So I'm taking my sweet time amidst of doing my final year in bachelors, and juggling between exams and assignments, to complete the work well and perfect before publishing it. I don't want my readers to wait an eternity for me to get back my motivation after the hellish writers block.
Yeah time goes by fast. I was in my eighth standard when I started using Wattpad. I did not have an account back then. In 2017, I finally had my own mail id and the first thing I did was to open a Wattpad account.
Thinking back now it looks so childish that I used to find happiness in every silly things, but then when times changed, even doing what made me happy isn't working. I guess this is a part of growing up. Dealing with hardships and struggling to hold things together.
Well, I'm gonna take all the time that I've got. Complete "H.O.P.E" then all those 15+ drafts that I have. Cure the fanfiction society with some me-ness.
I know my works ain't that great, I don't know hownto write smut, though I'm a kinky sheet. For fridges sake I can't actually complete a story without making it boring. So Im working on myself. I'll be back. Well... I'm here either way. I'll be towards the reader side of Wattpad than writers for a few weeks now...