
You guys are funny . I am not writing this book for fans or votes . I'm writing it because I came up with it and it is really great to me . I'm nit going to force a story on you . If you don't like it , you don't . But don't be mean about and start bashing . I created this story because it was a way to become a different person and give willing readers a chance to explore this girl and tragic life . 


You guys are funny . I am not writing this book for fans or votes . I'm writing it because I came up with it and it is really great to me . I'm nit going to force a story on you . If you don't like it , you don't . But don't be mean about and start bashing . I created this story because it was a way to become a different person and give willing readers a chance to explore this girl and tragic life . 


Sorry guys for basically just stopping the book. I haven't forgotten the book or my fans but I've really been busy with all the school work that's I've been getting. I'll try to post as soon as I can. I have great ideas for the book and I know how it will end I just have trouble posting often. I hope you guys are okay with the seldom posting , I promise it'll be worth it though(: I'll make the chapters waaaaaay longer just because I'm posting rarely. The book will probably be finish by the beginning of next year at this rate. Sorry again): I just wanted to update you guys and tell you what's been up. Give me some feedback on what you think about the book, the characters, the story line soo far,and my seldom posting. I honestly don't know when the next I will be able to post but just be patient and give me some time and I'll get there(: I'm in progress of my newest chapter. Btw this book will have sequel which I also have basically planned out. Welps, anyways that's all for now. Hope you guys give me feedback and everything. Posting soon(: Holla !!! 
          Ouuu and p.s -- I appreciate all the reads I've gotten over this time. Thanks to all the fans who fanned and the votes that I've gotten. You guys are amazing .. honestly and truly. I'm gonna make this book fit in my tight schedule just for ya'll !! (: 


Okayyy so imma start makn my chapss longerr , causee onee of the best writers on wattpad lol said they were a lil short . Goshhh I agreee but im also a lazyy person ! Teehee xx . Anyways one mote person needs to fan mee &then i'll updatee(: Ya'll aree summ quickies ! Lol && I also wunna comee upp with a name for youu guys . If you have anyy suggestions message mee ! (: