
Part One of my horror thriller, RESURRECTION, is complete, with an Interlude to keep you hungry while I begin releasing Part Two.  Enjoy your read, and feel free to leave a comment to let me know how the story is treating you.


I'm very happy to announce that I've taken some time to do some long-needed housekeeping on my fiction, and am ready to once again share things with my online community!
          RESURRECTION, my horror novel, has been edited and revised to a great extent, and will have regular uploads of revised chapters until we reach the end of Part One: Idée Fixe.
          A new YA collection of short novels has begun releasing!  Tales from BRAVURA begins with Part One: Powder, and will have regular weekly uploads until we reach its conclusion.
          Thank you for taking the time to read my fiction!  As always, I am greatly encouraged by your feedback, and look forward to engaging with your writing as well.
          Happy Summer!


Hello to you all during the Great Pause.
          Thank you for following my page. I’ve revisited an old story idea and finally decided that given the creative space I’ve always craved, I should manifest the thought and put pen to page (or fingers to touch screen in this instance). I hope you enjoy the dark corners I haven’t visited in a while, as much as I am enjoying exploring them again.
          A special thank you to Paul Kingston whose creativity has inspired me to try my hand at the written word again. Please do take some time to visit his page and read his work. “A Pound of the Devil’s Flesh” is particularly delicious.