
Dear my mental health, please be health in this situation
          	Please don't think too much, please don't think what they say
          	Just be your self, please remember that, no one gonna love you as you are
          	Please if it happens..
          	Remember that just open something that u like,love
          	And dont hear and think what they say
          	I know youre strong!


Dear my mental health, please be health in this situation
          Please don't think too much, please don't think what they say
          Just be your self, please remember that, no one gonna love you as you are
          Please if it happens..
          Remember that just open something that u like,love
          And dont hear and think what they say
          I know youre strong!


Idl it was just my mind or it was the real think happen, lol
          But ya, if x did or said, or behaved wrong they just think it was a normal, when x didnt do the housework mm..  Ya, but if it was me HAHA


World isnt ending, it just in your mind, your perciption.
          World is beautiful, dont ruin it cuz u've just broken, broken by anything. 
          You just have to let it go and go forward. 
          That damn matter, you can make it as a lesson, learn it and do carefully in the future. 
          But yeah
          Sometimes i forget it, cz i've just believe in a human, although we know that we cant believe in someone :) 


It feels like, umm wht can i say
          That was my desicion, onlye me, cuz u guys just gave me that 'responsibility'. 
          I know that its not the best, not as good as yours or your pride children.. 
          But okey u can judge it at that time.. Or maybe till now. I'll pretend to be okay, i'll give my heart time for healing.
          But please...
          Dont make it hard, just make it like what u were saying :(