Satu atap ama sahabat rasa pacar macem Mark, dekel dingin macem Jisung, bocah tengil macem Haechan, gebetan manis macem Njun, plus kang kerdus macem Jeno dan jelmaannya si Lele gimana rasanya):
Kuy mampir ke SLC - NCT Dream
Cek juga work baru aku❣️
Multi Character - Roleplayer
Fanboy Next Door - PJS
Feedback? Just ask❤
It's difficult to explain how anxiety ruin myself all day. But, here you are listen the feelings and try to understand me.
Mampir yuk ke cerita ceritaku!
It’s difficult to explain how anxiety ruin myself all day. But, here you are listen the feelings and forget the most important thing, the rule.
Hai! Mampir ke cerita ceritaku yuk! Jangan lupa vote dan comment yaa
hai kamu bucinnya nct? jaemin? mampir kework aku yuk! siapa tau suka.
jangan lupa tinggalkan votement ya kak!
feedback? just ask or dm thankyou❤