I feel sad for captain swan for what that horrible person said about her. I ca't see captain swans profile so i can't talk to her. If you are friends with him or her pls tell them that don't let what other people say get into you. If they are saying that just means that that person is sad and lonely and a depressed loser trying to take out their anger and sorrow on you. They might be be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, not so much. but you, might not be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, but if there were a contest on seeing between the bully and you, who was more beautifl on the inside, you'd win by a milestone. Don't listen or care about what other people think about you, they don't matter, instead on taking everything from the bad side , stand up to them. remember all the good stuff and the fact that you are more beautiful than the in the inside! :)