@lalalini Hey! It's been ages since I've been here. I read Room 97 years ago, I was a teenager back then as well. As a writer (I don't write on wp though) I realize that reading your old works can be embarrassing, and I have also removed works years afterwards because I thought they were cringey and poorly written. I want to say that no matter what, your works have been a ray of sunshine at the time, even if you now look back at them and consider them embarrassing. Writing is a journey filled with evoling, so I hope that you don't ever stop expressing yourself through words and that you evolve and become better with every work of yours,m whether you want to share it with the world or not. Room 97 was at the time one of the most pleasant reads and even if it gets removed, reading it will forever remain in my heart as a happy and joyful memory <3