
Thanks for being so "busy" all the time 


this message may be offensive
I've been feeling so alone lately and I don't know what to do with myself. It's like no one fucking understands how much this shit hurts like there's so much shit going on and I can't even put it into words and my mind is so fucked and no one is talking to me I try and try but they don't. And I'm just ready to give up im so done with everyone and everything at this point 


If you're me you paint pictures of the bands you like. So basically I just painted a picture of josh and Tyler and I'm thinking about  sending it to regan ( my best friend) it's better than nothing at all I mean I might not get to see her but at least I might be able to send stuff to her. *1,320.4 miles. 


Hmu I'm bored lol


@__Purdy_Girl__  lucky i wanna stretch mine but i cant but im getting my cartiledge done and second holes


@lana_messup it really is and my ears hurt really bad cause im stretching them im at an 8g right now