
If ur gay and/or like she ra, follow  @purplegeekprincess


I'm not feeling like this story is finished, I went to look for the 2 questions on your home page,  I just didn't see anything more than your stories, which I have read, but in this story AS much as their doing it,  let them be true loves, which means she becomes pregnant, and before even telling anyone Ruby goes off on Em and Gina being each other's true loves and watch Gina you'll become pregnant,  and then I see them planning a wedding!! I just don't want this story to end here......


@ Misty4Mark  Hello, nice to meet you, how are you? I love your stories Swanqeen, I really liked them and I would like to know if you would give me permission or authorization to translate them into Spanish.


IS there a book 2 to this story,  because I was sure that Regina had gotten pregnant, and that they had gotten Married, but then again I've read basically all the Regina-Emma stories,  so it's possible I'm remembering another story that IS like yours, and just thinking there related! But there could be?? 


You could have made it like Em was talking to her kid, of course from Gina, and now she's a cop, while Gina's a teacher, and they could of moved, gotten Married, and Em ONLY turned her after she asked her to, either on their honeymoon, or because she had an accident that almost took her life and she did it to save her? But great story, I just didn't enjoy the swear words that were used, ok I'm done giving you ideas,  because your the author ☺️ 
          And even though your probably already finished with this story and on to other things, I can hope that you will like my ideas and feel like writing.....


Girl,  I love your stories, I again am turned OFF by how much swearing you use!! And I know authors usually write how they speak!! So sorry to see that! 


@Misty4Mark That’s just it, I LIKE the story they are telling,  just ĺ don't enjoy how much they use swear words. That’s all I  was saying.....


@Misty2Dorothea if you don't like their story's then simply don't read them