caeden, what— - .. what are you talking about? / .. con.. fession.. at that party..
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caed, i— -┈─ ( his gaze would shift away from the maybank momentarily, shaking his head before making eye contact with the other once more before feeling a lump in his throat. ) .. if .. if you.. if you wanted me, why— - .. why didn't you /tell/ me? i .. i thought you liked her 'cause— - .. cause you /always/ flirted with her when i was around. i don't.. caeden, i don't fucking get it. i don't understand. (..) how long .. ???? .. how long have you.. have you felt like .. like this?
@outerkd i don’t like /sarah,/ coop.. sarah’s just my friend(!) ..she’s only ever been just my friend. —'m not saying anything because i can’t have her, i don’t (want) her. i never wanted sarah. not like— not like that. …i want you. ive only ever wanted you. how can’t you see that?
it don't— - ,it don't make s͟e͟n͟s͟e͟, caeden. i mean.. i've /seen/ you. if you (really) like her, be with her. please just— - .. don't do that. say.. say you wanna be with me, just cause you can't /have/ her. i just.. i can't do that. i can't keep accepting i'll (always) be second place when it comes to her. / SO EXCITED RN!!! (im gonna die)