
Hey everyone, I’m back! Senior year and junior year were a roller coaster. I was really losing touch with writing. Not just on here, but personally too. I have updated some stories but I wasn’t as passionate. It’s summer and I’m slowly getting back into it!! This week I will try to focusing on my stories and my new story! 


Hey everyone, I’m back! Senior year and junior year were a roller coaster. I was really losing touch with writing. Not just on here, but personally too. I have updated some stories but I wasn’t as passionate. It’s summer and I’m slowly getting back into it!! This week I will try to focusing on my stories and my new story! 


Go check out my spin-off to There Can Only Be One! I tried a spin-off before to this story, but I redid it because I finally know what I would have wanted to do if things didn’t end the way they did in There Can Only Be One! Please go check it out:) 


          Over the last few days I’ve had this story line that’s really stuck with me..... but this time, instead of Jessica, it will be Sally Field! One of my favorites! In this story, a little bit of everyone (Jessica especially) will be included! 
          The story is “Two Of One” and I think you’ll really like it:) please go read and share with friends!! ❤️❤️❤️