
how do you respond to comments that are nice and kind without sounding like an insincere idiot?
          	that is literally one of my life goals
          	also, does anyone else on mobile occasionally hate it when you hit view full site and it minimizes the screen and it's so annoying to find where you were at?
          	the thoughts of me at 22:49 when i should be going to sleep but that isn't happening


how do you respond to comments that are nice and kind without sounding like an insincere idiot?
          that is literally one of my life goals
          also, does anyone else on mobile occasionally hate it when you hit view full site and it minimizes the screen and it's so annoying to find where you were at?
          the thoughts of me at 22:49 when i should be going to sleep but that isn't happening


Hey! It'd mean a lot if you could check out my WIP OcxPietro / Loki's daughter fanfic that's just getting started:


@beauty-in-pain that sounds cool! thanks for letting me know, i'll put that on my read  next list!


any of y'all that may be christian's/catholics religious whatevr that might see my account pray for this guy in my neighborhood. this ambulance with only lights on rushed thru, stopped at a house, probably picked someone up and is going they a shortcut to the hospital. idk what's happening for sure, but please pray for them or keep them in your thoughts


I’ll be praying! :( 