@WritingRamen2 Wow! Thank you so much for your tips and advice! You don't know how much these are gonna help. Honestly, thank you!
So, what got you into writing for LankyBox? I know you did mention you still have faith in the fandom, but I hope you're also enjoying writing for them.
By the way, I'm also an Adstin shipper! Welcome to the club, sis/bro! Keep this between us, but I think there's actually something going on between those two, LOL! In one of their videos, Adam literally called Justin "perfect". I can't remember the title of the video, though. I'll try and look for it and send you a link. If I find it, that is.
And, in another video, Adam said to Justin, and I quote: "If you were a triangle, you would be a cute." Bro! The heck is going on? LOL! I think that video is called "Roblox Need More Sleep", or something along those lines.