If anyone is looking for any more books, I have a new account. There is currently no books on the account but there will be soon. The name is Lanyloo26. Ok! Bye Munchkins!
Im sorry but you killed on tbe foxy reader story
Can you make a third book .
But the animotronics erased everyones mind or somthing but it actally was not a dream thats just what she thought
If anyone is looking for any more books, I have a new account. There is currently no books on the account but there will be soon. The name is Lanyloo26. Ok! Bye Munchkins!
So for my third book I want to know if you guys want it to be the next book on my Foxy x Reader series even if I said it was the last book or if you want to to be different. If I get enough votes for one I'll do it, if know one replies then I'll do the one I think would be best for me to write. Bye Munchkins!