
I'm not sure if you will see this, but I was wondering if I could pick your brain on my Iron Man and Archangel story.


@N7Legion-Games if i could help with the story that much help


@lapaiche Oh, my God thank you so much! I've been wracking my head about this for months! Thank you! Thank you!


@N7Legion-Games we will send diana and her child to the island of temiscira (to receive the blessing of her mother but also of the Greek gods) and will only return when she learns of the disappearance of the character following the destruction of the villa (or this one  Ci came back to ask Tony if he has the same nightmares) by Mandarin.  ansi will end up in the events of iron man 3 during the separation due to this event the watches the events through by ex pov dianna… and will only end up when he confronts the actor impersonating the mandarin ( not  before we can say that the childbirth could have weakened these capacities of Amazon and will benefit from being in temiscira to recover these forces).


Je souhaiterais informer lapaiche que je prendrai du temps pour faire l'histoire car je prends beaucoup de temps pour avoir des idées cohérent pour mètres synchroniser les différents univers un peu comme une convergence des sphère (de l'univers the witcher