OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now I get what you mean.. I hovered over the book and i just realized xD lol i honestly can't remember that chapter but i think he was trying to dance like channing tatum like in the movie magic mike lol xD
ooopps sorry for late reply, my laptop turned off and had to go get the charger -.- and I can't remember the chap im up to cause ive read a lot of books now. i'm gonna check the video out sounds funny xD
oh I'm sure I gave you the name of the author... but anyway her name is jnovak16 and no trust me no dirty scenes...yet... lol but there is a bit of intimacy here and there but nothing too much. so far there is like 11 chapters and it's action it honestly reminds me of vampire academy but way different I guess the girl is similar to rose.. but anyway it's worth the read. and lol a Korean dude? okay...