
i’ve just started writing another chapter of pride, so that should be out tomorrow maybe a little later :)
          	thanks angels
          	-lara <3 (mwah)


hi angels!
          so i just posted a BRAND NEW book!! don’t worry, i’m not gonna have any more now, i really don’t want everything to go haywire with me never updating some books and always updating others. but yeah i’d rEALLY appreciate it if you all went and checked it out! the book is called valentine and i hope you like it hehe
          -lara <3 (mwah)


yo <3
          i know ive been really inactive recently, but i just posted the first chappy of a new story named ecstasy and id love it if you lot would check them out! thank you so much, have a lovely day
          thanks lovelies
          -lara <3