Hey guys go follow wattedwriter now!! Haha he's a really good friend of mine and an amazing writer he doesn't have many books right now but trust me hes and awesome writer and sorry for not updating my iPad being a dink ok well bye I'll try and update as soon as I can HAVE A GOOD LIFE!!
Why did you make mine now billdip so sad I was crying so much I was in the car and my mom thought my Evel Knievel that my sister took when she moved out died! That was the last thing from my dad too after he died that dog is 24! He lived through my life since I was born! And I am 13 but who care that dog is old! Why did I go on a rant about my old dog ;-; well like your stories bye and I stayed now it is now 5:13 a.m. why because I like reading writing and suffering! Have a nice day/morning/night (sorry if I went on a rant. Like your stores keep it up! Bye now)