"She was too quiet, or she was too loud. She took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She hated with every fiber of herself, or loved with every piece of her heart."       @camsvdrugs su twitter
  • London, UK
  • IscrittoOctober 7, 2014

Ultimo messaggio
larrysbutterflys larrysbutterflys Nov 23, 2014 05:14PM
"Everything is gonna be alright boo, wr can, you can" Sayd the curly one after a sweet kiss.
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Storie di Feds in London; ♡
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing - (Simuel) - Raccolta OS  di larrysbutterflys
I could stay awake just to hear yo...
Raccolta di Os, mini fic, promptini e storielle senza senso. Headcanons, missing moments, tutto quello che Si...
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