
ah yes! a decision has been made and compromised with me, myself and I that I shall be deleting the unfinished stories and keeping up the completed ones for the benefit of whoever and whomever may want to read them. But alas! I bid thee a most sorrowful farewell as I will no longer be active here. If we do happen to meet again, it'll be quite the miracle. A final farewell as I realize that apparently I'm Shakespeare. LATER. 


Thank you for keeping the stories ip


Hey guys :) I used to be ‘kelliclashton’ and wattpad decided to completely shut down my account with absolutely no warning so I lost all my much loved stories... That means The Support Group is completely gone. Dude, we’re just broskies/ Sunkissed/ Behind these walls… All gone! BUT i’m going to be writing a new story very soon. 


Good boy made cry because i realised one say ashton will die, we will all die, some might get the opportunity to have kids and grow old bht I thers are not that fortunate and die young, it may be an accident or suicide or even on purpose but there is no stopping the fact that he will die. We all will die.


ah yes! a decision has been made and compromised with me, myself and I that I shall be deleting the unfinished stories and keeping up the completed ones for the benefit of whoever and whomever may want to read them. But alas! I bid thee a most sorrowful farewell as I will no longer be active here. If we do happen to meet again, it'll be quite the miracle. A final farewell as I realize that apparently I'm Shakespeare. LATER. 


Thank you for keeping the stories ip