
Hey di!
          You are such an amazing writer. Hiding behind the Stranger is one of the best book present here. In the most unique way, you have described the scenario that I don't have words to describe how awesome it is. I don't understand why haven't this book noticed yet. Because such unique book deserves thousands and thousands of likes. I wish you publish this book because I would love to have an hard copy of this book. 
          P.S- thanks for writing such a book. Love you 


@authornarmada Haha I came to know about the forum only because of Jodha akbar...and I don't watch much tv serials so i was the part of akdha forum only...i was also a silent reader 


@MissScintilla Yea me too! I think I joined in 2012.. I was quite active until 2015-2016. I don't remember clearly. Those were the days. I can't be like that anymore, but seriously sometimes I wonder if it was me :D I was part of other fandoms too, like D3 and IPKKND, KYY But always a silent reader :)


@authornarmada Ikr!!!! I feel so nostalgic when i think about those days...man those days were something... Haha although I regret that i joined if very late. The real fun of watching Jodha akbar came with reading ffs and posts in the forum


Hi Lashy di. I have been a silent reader on IF for so long. You were the reason I started visiting IF on the first place. I read your story Njapa on dhwani forum where you had updated only 10 parts. I loved the story so far so I started searching it on google,thats how I found it out on IF. I use to visit IF every 5 minutes on sunday to check it whether you have updated so that I could start reading it, thats the magic of your writing. Now I had joined wattpad,while searching for akdha ffs I found your story. Now am trying to take out the time to start reading this story of yours because I know once I start reading it I won't be able to keep my cell down. Try to update your story here to. 


@lashywrites I always use to visit IF when you were updating njapa,but am not a member there so when you updated hbs on IF I was not able to read it as it is a members post. So I stopped visiting IF, another story I read there was pale blue dot but the author is not updating any more. I am not complaining or something as I know few people are involved in plagiarism and other introvert reader like me does not give their response so it demotivates you. But always remember that you are a one of the few writers who can forse readers to give their genuine response.


@Tatianabhardwaj96 Thank you so much for this message... it is so sweet of you dear...  I stopped updating in Wattpad because there is no response here. And it takes me a very long time to format, I end up losing patience... but I am glad to see your message... do visit us on the forum because we're still active there :)


Hi Lashy. I have been silent reader for so long on IF. I read your story njapa on dhwani forum,where there were only 10 parts. Then I searched on google to find more parts, thats how I found IF. Though I am not a member of IF  but I do read stories there.Njapa has been most favourite story of mine. It was the first story I have read. I have laughed with it, cried with it. You are an amazing writer.


Hi Lashy. I have been silent reader for so long on IF. I read your story njapa on dhwani forum,where there were only 10 parts. Then I searched on google to find more parts, thats how I found IF. Though I am not a member of IF  but I do read stories there.Njapa has been most favourite story of mine. It was the first story I have read. I have laughed with it, cried with it. You are an amazing writer.


Hi Lashy. I have been silent reader for so long on IF. I read your story njapa on dhwani forum,where there were only 10 parts. Then I searched on google to find more parts, thats how I found IF. Though I am not a member of IF  but I do read stories there.Njapa has been most favourite story of mine. It was the first story I have read. I have laughed with it, cried with it. You are an amazing writer.


For your kind information it's been more than 20 days. 
          Please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does this mean you will not update here anymore?


@Deepikajb http://www.india-forums.com/forum_topics.asp?FID=810
            Here is the forum dear. It's called Novel - Hiding Behind a Stranger chapter 48. 
            You'll find lots of discussions and relevant posts on the chapter there. I also post other research and other footnotes for each chapter there


@Deepikajb hi Deepika, 
            I've uploaded the next chapter (48) in India forums... 
            It'll be there on page 1 of Jodha Akbar forums. 
            I update first there...