
Tomorrow I will be spending my day writing and a little bit of taning. So there will hopefully be an update, any ideas on which book? 


These are some Ideas about the prank that I need to decide for APTS, tell me your thought's and maybe some more Idea's?
          mix laxatives into Mason's food.
          Or tell Hailey, Hannah, and Sutton will all keep telling Mason that revenge is coming. This of course is the psychological approach if I make it happen then, he takes it serious he will be scared and be watching out for you everywhere he goes.
          Hannah, Hailey, and Sutton sneak around the palace, with paint ball guns. And whenever they see Mason, they shoot him (which really hurts) he of course won't know who's doing it and All the guards will be in on it


OK so I'm writing but it's coming slowly, the inspiration I usually have when I'm writing just isn't here today. So hopefully there will be a update today, though I will have to take a break from writing at 5:30 due to supper then I have a play practise till around 8:30. But right after that I will start writing again.
          Anyway, while I'm writing check these 2 books that my best friend @tigerfann57 is writing. One is a love story between a Teacher and a student, then the other is a Cody Simpson Love Story. they are great books and I recommend them. :D 
          Have a good day guyyyyyyyssssssss


OK so I'm writing but it's coming slowly, the inspiration I usually have when I'm writing just isn't here today. So hopefully there will be a update today, though I will have to take a break from writing at 5:30 due to supper then I have a play practise till around 8:30. But right after that I will start writing again.
          Anyway, while I'm writing check these 2 books that my best friend @tigerfann57 is writing. One is a love story between a Teacher and a student, then the other is a Cody Simpson Love Story. they are great books and I recommend them. :D 
          Have a good day guyyyyyyyssssssss