I just want to give a *huge* shout out to @indysinclair and @laurelandlarkspur for going through my work in its roughest stage! These two have read so much and put in so much thought into their feedback for The Book of Sand and I don't know what I would be doing without them. It's easy to say you can self-edit, but it's hard to admit that everything you *think* you got across in your first draft didn't make it the full way. There are plenty of things I as a the writer have thought were obvious or spelled out for readers, but that's because I know where it's going! It's great to have extra eyes looking at it <3

@latchkeyy An outrage, WP erased the emojis in my reply. [Insert the big eyes emoji and the tissue sneeze emoji.] [and a couple clap clap]

@latchkeyy GIRL!! I haven’t been on this account in forever so I didn’t even see this until now, and I . I’ve really loved working on this book so far and it’s an honor to be helping. And yeah, I’m gonna echo the above sentiment: wild that you wrote not only all of this in two months, but also all of this SO WELL in two months. ✨

@latchkeyy I can't believe you wrote all of it in 2 months!! Such a huge feat! It was a pleasure beta-reading :)