Hiya! I don't know if you're active anymore, but I came across one of your comments on Mercatija and thought of you! I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself ❤️
Reading Lists
Aloha, you beautiful people♡ I know I’ve been a bit absent so I’m here with an update. I recently started a new part time job that’s been kicking my A$$ (plus new school semester) *DEAD* _| ̄|○ So it’s been hard to keep even a small reserve of energy to write/read with how tiring it’s been. I’m finally getting accustomed to my new schedule and I’m slowly making my way back in. Thanks so much for keeping up with me (for anyone who read this). You’re all wonderful❤️
Hiya! I don't know if you're active anymore, but I came across one of your comments on Mercatija and thought of you! I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself ❤️
Hey, I really liked the first chapters of ocean blue eyes and I was wondering if you were going to continue the story. Thank you.
Wow, so sorry I’m so late! Yes I will be continuing the story just had to take some time to fully focus on my studies but I’m going to start taking some time a day to work on this. I should be updating it soon, Thank you so much for commenting!❤️
Hey there i would love it if you gave my book "Chaahat" a try. It's a coming of age take on friendships, bonds, romance and nuances of the society we live in. I hope you like it. https://my.w.tt/D0JtzM330Y Love, cheenikam.
Aloha, you beautiful people♡ I know I’ve been a bit absent so I’m here with an update. I recently started a new part time job that’s been kicking my A$$ (plus new school semester) *DEAD* _| ̄|○ So it’s been hard to keep even a small reserve of energy to write/read with how tiring it’s been. I’m finally getting accustomed to my new schedule and I’m slowly making my way back in. Thanks so much for keeping up with me (for anyone who read this). You’re all wonderful❤️
Hey, sorry to disturb you but I would really appreciate it if you can check out my book. Here is the link: https://my.w.tt/hP1l4T4QV2. Thanks.
Aloha! Sure thing! That’s no bother to me ٩(^‿^)۶ I’m always welcome to new books. It may take me a while to get to it but I’ve added it to my reading list! Thank you for suggesting it and stopping by on my profile!(╹◡╹)♡
Alright you checked your results I saw the comment so: CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST PLACE WIN!!!!!! So so proud of you!!! Ocean Blue Eyes deserves all the accolades!! You must be absolutely chuffed to bits! I feel like a proud Auntie right now! You have a knack for writing, I hope this gives you a massive boost to keep writing! You're amazing ❤️
@EliBees Bless that judge for sure!! I absolutely loved the review he gave the book. I’m so glad that others are getting everything I was expressing through it. It’s honestly the highest praise!! (๑>◡<๑) That’s definitely what I’ll be doing. I may put it on hold for another week just so I can regroup my ideas cause the next chapter is the most important yet and I need to nail it in the head. You definitely need that shirt cause this story (or myself) wouldn’t be the same without you! Hahah! All the thanks to you!
@latenitesnacks Awww I’m so glad you didn’t take it down! And that review!! Gah it was so good, I could not keep a stupid grin off my face, everything they said was spot on for your story! Bless that judge! Seriously, you should be so proud of yourself, do whatever revisions and edits you need to, but don’t take it down. That story is golden! Bahaha Writer Godmother - getting the T-shirt hahaha love that lol
THANK YOU!! T^T Let me tell you, I was considering taking it down and doing some serious revision before continuing because there’s some things I gotta fix. But seeing that review and the score! *GASP* I nearly cried at the bar I went to last night for New Year’s LOL Lmao! You should be! I feel like you’ve become my Writer Godmother haha! >.<
Thanks for adding The Beast of Stornoway to your reading list! I think you'll love Van and his awkward self!! Lol
@latenitesnacks aww thank youuuu! Yass another awkward men for the club! *rubs hands together* muahahahaa!
@EliBees You know we share that love for awkward characters *grins* heheh. Plus, I'd always check anything you post ;) I got chu! :D
Aloha, you beautiful ppl!♡ I just posted a new chapter of Ocean Blue Eyes, yes, the boys are finally back! And believe me, you don’t wanna miss this chapter, heh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I hope you guys laugh as much as I did at Noah’s troubles xD Thank you to anyone who gives my love to my story! I live for you guys’ comments and reactions❤️
@EliBees omg, so I wasn’t the only one! I tried to read some stories earlier and I just got so fed up I logged out for a while, ugh. I’m glad you were able to get it tho!
@latenitesnacks I think I'm missing a chapter *cries* I can't find the new one and I just keep re-reading the previous chapters hoping the new one will appear. I think Wattpad is gliching!! And I am pissed!
XD bahahaha Bon appetite! And, nooo, thank YOU for reading! (๑>◡<๑). This chapter took some work, not even gonna lie. So, I’m a little nervous to hear what ppl think but super ready for that feedback! (๑╹ω╹๑ )♡
Aloha Awakea, you beautiful ppl! It’s been a hectic few weeks—heck, a hectic-ass month lol. But I’m slowly creeping my way back in here after doing some serious stressing #CollegeHellWeek _| ̄|○ *DEAD* So, I’ll be picking back up all those reads little by little, and putting some work into my writing (╹◡╹)♡ Ps: #SorryForTheCommentingSpam! but if y’all been talking to me for a while now, y’all know how I am ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mahalo, Gracias, ありがとう(arigatō), Thank you! ALL LOVE♡
@latenitesnacks @nininA02 y'all are too funny!!! Thanks so much for the compliments *blushes*
@EliBees you’re welcome ✌︎('ω')✌︎ I wasn’t kidding when I said everyone and their mother should read it! @NininA02 xD why, I’m flattered I can do that without you seeing the faces I make lmao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . And I told you sooo ;D
Aloha ! This is for any authors and readers I may have missed in my tags: The Eternal Awards is now open for submissions!! Check it out! They’re welcoming submissions for participants and judges! You guys have a great day! Good Vibes only ❤️ https://my.w.tt/vLFDdiZer2
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