Hi there! I hope you are all having a good day and that you are drinking enough water.
As you may know, english is not my first language, and sometimes I make mistakes in my writing. I would like to ask you if someone would be kind enough to help me out with it?
I would prefer and native english speaker, plus someone that knows how to write (if you know, you know). We will begin with the published chapters and then I will run by you the drafts before publishing them.
You will need to be present, and not take too much to check the writing. Of course I am not giving you any kind of deadline, I am sure you will do great! ^^
You can answer to this message, or send me one in dms, or even text me on discord. We will mostly text on discord after, so we can send each other files and be able to talk without notification problems.
Thank you all for reading and all the people that will be interested❤