
Her name sounds like a sigh of relief, so of which, I have none
          	Caught cruelly in indiscretion, my fickle flaws laid in the sun 
          	Red, golden tears for years, a yearning so profound
          	My dear, my dear, it is, I fear, this loneliness newfound. 
          	So, whisper please, through the trees, in ripples of wind on water 
          	Your freedom carries my immobile heart, a drought I brought her
          	For as long as fire and air are combustible, we are not compatible
          	Our planet of breeze and heat, like Mars, is eternally inhabitable.
          	Like sorrow and scorn, mercurial desires are fated to retrograde
          	As your melody dims to an echo, and my blaze begins to fade
          	Your song returns a scream, shouted over a great ravine
          	That holds an absence where memories, bold like ashes, gleam.
          	But, what is the color of rust when our lips eclipse?
          	In darkness, a fossilizing amber burning round your hips
          	For I'm the winged fleece you fiercely seek in fever dreams
          	A wild dragon's breath on your frozen cheek, it seems.
          	Though when the pure mourning rays return
          	I'll find our eros engraved upon a Grecian urn.


You weave such golden strands of words into a beautiful crown that anyone would be graced to lay on top of their head 


Her name sounds like a sigh of relief, so of which, I have none
          Caught cruelly in indiscretion, my fickle flaws laid in the sun 
          Red, golden tears for years, a yearning so profound
          My dear, my dear, it is, I fear, this loneliness newfound. 
          So, whisper please, through the trees, in ripples of wind on water 
          Your freedom carries my immobile heart, a drought I brought her
          For as long as fire and air are combustible, we are not compatible
          Our planet of breeze and heat, like Mars, is eternally inhabitable.
          Like sorrow and scorn, mercurial desires are fated to retrograde
          As your melody dims to an echo, and my blaze begins to fade
          Your song returns a scream, shouted over a great ravine
          That holds an absence where memories, bold like ashes, gleam.
          But, what is the color of rust when our lips eclipse?
          In darkness, a fossilizing amber burning round your hips
          For I'm the winged fleece you fiercely seek in fever dreams
          A wild dragon's breath on your frozen cheek, it seems.
          Though when the pure mourning rays return
          I'll find our eros engraved upon a Grecian urn.


You weave such golden strands of words into a beautiful crown that anyone would be graced to lay on top of their head 


I wrote this poem about the concept behind Dear Camilla. It’s called Refractions & Other Forms of Light…
          Take a walk through my memory’s museum
          Witness the nature of every plant in my garden
          Hear the highs and lows of my ballad 
          A history of hurt and heartache
          Written by a lover of love and life
          Painted with vibrant colors and dark contrasts
          For to live is to tumble through thorns
          And read into the shapes of the scratches
          Like mythical constellations
          Like cavemen drawing with blood
          So, study me, my inflections and imperfections
          A menagerie of mes I’ve tamed for you
          If you exist, truly, or are just a cloud taking the shape
          Of a God I hoped would forgive me
          If he listened to the devil's advocate excuse
          A pitiful sinner praying for you to understand
          Lend me a hand, for mine are pressed together
          Like lips that know highs can’t happen without lows,
          Or love and life without hurt and heartache
          Resolution without death
          Found in remnants, recollections of the past life
          Of yesterday
          Splayed naked in my museum, my garden, my ballad.


This is so stunning <3


@Israel_Olorunnisola thank you mon chéri <3 it means a lot


The successive use of similes after the 8th line,.. brilliant 


HEY ALL sorry i havent updated dear camilla in like a week. ive honestly been in a depression pit and havent left my room in like a month so... finally coming out of it (sorta kinda maybe) so hopefully i can do things i like (such as working on dear camilla) again soon. wish me luck finishing a months work of late russian language hand outs lmao.


It’s ok to take time to heal. If you walked on a broken leg you would just break it more. But if you give it the time necessary to rest it’s even stronger than before. I know it can be a hard pill to swallow. I have trouble with this as well. It’s one of the main reasons why I don’t post anything because it stresses me out and I feel guilty for it. But you’d rather rest and be at your best than work at your worst. 
            I love you no matter what. You have also been so incredibly kind, and I wish you the best <3
            My DMs are also open if you need to talk about it, or if you just wanna chat sometime. <3


i feel emptiness so entirely, a cavernous vacuum expanding against my skin, both iniside and out. though i love words, theres nothing beautiful about these.


My chapbook, Tidal Stains, is available from Bottlecap Press!
          "Emotions, like tides, come and go. The ocean, like the subconscious, is full of unknowns. Driftwood, dead fish, and rocks stain the shore like poems in a notebook— remnants of a turbulent sea of consciousness. Poems are tidal stains, which Isabelle employs to reckon with her adolescence, femininity, and existence. 'Larcenous crimes of opportunity presented with youthful indignation: myself in hyperbole,' she describes."
          Growing up, I felt like I didn't have a voice. I didn't know myself well enough to speak with depth or authority. I wasn't comfortable taking up the time or space needed to express myself. But, I still had the basic human desire to be understood, heard, and, ultimately, loved. To satisfy that yearning, I wrote poetry. Presently, just months away from my twentieth birthday, I've found my voice. I know who I am. Tidal Stains includes poetry I wrote throughout my childhood. Publishing with Bottle Cap Press is extremely special to me because it gives younger Isabelle the voice she felt she didn't have.
          Every day, I feel thoroughly inspired by the many creative, thoughtful people in my life— both in the online poetry community and the individuals I am blessed to call friends. I look forward to learning and growing as a writer. Thanks to Craig for making this possible!! <3


@kim_Seonmii I'm actually studying environmental economics and policy at uc berkeley! I've taken a lot of english lit classes though, and I love love love reading. Thanks for the kind comment, it really means a lot bb


Girl ur insanely talented i love how u express urself may I ask u have u studied English literature? Sending love and support <333




YASSSSS CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! also the “likes to play dead in the pool” has me dyingggg 


@kim_Seonmii THANK YOU! IT MEANS A LOT!!!!!




Last night I couldn’t sleep and I figured out how I want Dear Camilla to end! Now it’s only a matter of actually telling the story… I’m really excited to share it with you eventually ;)


Lol ONE MORE THING I’ve noticed when I’m talking about writing ITS ALWAYS IN THE PASSIVE TENSE— like IM not the one doing it, but rather the NOVEL is… This explains why I didn’t know how I wanted the book to end until after I wrote more, IT revealed itself to me. Maybe that sounds a little delusional like a crazy prophet or something, but I actually mean it in the humble sense, like I couldn’t have thought of the perfect ending in advance 


Also I calculated the book length equivalent for what I’ve written so far and it’s at a solid 50 pages, ~10,000 words. Although it’s not about word count— I’m aiming for around 75,000!! I think the novel will pick up its pace soon and secrets will be revealed. 


this message may be offensive
Heyyyyy my comment on your last part got report for some odd reason so here’s what it said
          I loved this so much. It was like a mosaic tapestry woven
          out of words.
          I was beginning to wonder if Camilla was real or she was
          imagined by Maxine, but now I'm curious about
          something else. I wonder if Camila is the one who dies.
          At first I thought the murder was a random person. But
          Maxine doesn't mention them as a person. She says she
          could never kill anyone, rather than she could never kill
          Also the fact that she doesn't seem to be waiting for a
          response is strange.
          I find this an interesting concept even if I am not correct.
          It's something that makes the reader wonder and is
          great on your part.
          Much love <3 and can't wait to see what you do next


Hellooo @BBBlondey!! Thanks for making sure your comment got to me, they are very important to me.
            I'm really glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing in an abstract way— it's creatively freeing. "A mosaic tapestry woven out of words" is possibly the highest compliment an author can receive, so I thank you dearly. 
            As you've seen, the story arc of Dear Camilla is still in the wind, so to speak. Truthfully, I haven't decided what Camilla is— alive or dead, real or imagined, or any combination of those fundamental states. I think this not knowing is okay for now and I look forward to developing a clearer narrative arc as I reread letters and pick up on hints my subconscious has left to direct me.  
            Conceptually, this is really fun because it makes it so the writing in the earlier letters has room for multiple interpretations— which will make the eventual twist that much more exciting (hopefully). 
            Thank you, as always, I seriously look forward to your comments each time I publish a new part, it's really inspiring and has directed me in ver important ways. I'm totally swamped with college work, but I have been meaning to read more of your stuff because I love it just the same.