wait also life update: still bad but um this major trauma that's been in my life since I was born is gonna end in febuary so yay. that's such a weird way to put it but I don't wanna share too much. also my daddy issues are crazy dude. my step mom is having a baby girl and I'm gonna be an older sibling and I'm gonna make her listen to break stuff by limp bizkit and the my chemical romance discography. um but yeah I've been so overwhelmed with life I'm so sensitive to everything but I'm so excited for christmas omg!
@laundrysucks but out of the 21 celebrity men they thought Eddie vedder was the third most attractive, chris cornell the second, and frank iero the first. don't blame them. also I know kirk hammett made it into the top ten with damon albarn and gerard way and others
@laundrysucks also one good and random thing that happened was I made this google form for my friends to rate the attractiveness of my male celebrity and fictional crushes to see how they perceive beauty and stuff and it was super fun but ummm one of my friends thought that young damon albarn was only a 2 like um girl and then one of them gave rodrick heffley a 1 like
almost done with kurt and kurtis sequel well I am done I'm just gonna reread it for the 5th time and then I gotta make a cover and maybe a trailer for my pinterest