Hi! Thank you for all the votes in Saved By Love!! Feel free to ask questions and I hope you enjoy the huge ride of emotions that is the story of those two in this fic.
@ FlorenceSnape Two days?! Wow!!! That's pretty impressive. I think I will be a mix between the fast reader and the emotional one .
The story is amazing so is more than right you feel proud of it. I am just at the beginning but am already obsessed ❤️
@laura162811 You're too kind, dear! Tissues? Well, some readers have told me they cried (from sadness and anger), others told me they were too emotionally involved and binged it in two days (which is an impressive feat, this is over 500k). I'm so proud of this story, it was a labour of love, and it makes me really happy to see others appreciating it as well.