Hey y'all! CONTEST!!!!! I honestly am getting no where with my stories so I taking suggestions from y'all!!! Please comment story plots or comment on others comments and build on their idea! I will shout out my favorite ideas and in my story you will get credit for the sections y'all did! Ok? Ok!
Xoxo - Lauren <3
Hey y'all!! I'm back so I updated the tutor and I also released a book all out poetry so please go check that out plus I am try to change my username to lauren_delrie so don't freak out when you see a change !! Also I will be holding a contest soon so stay updated for that!!!! I love y'all and keep reading
Xoxo - Lauren <3
Hey Y'all! I started writing a new book called The Tutor!!!!! It's a book about a true event that happened to me and I wanted to share that with y'all (plus I couldn't think of a good new book idea) so I hope you love it !!!!! Plus comment spelling errors if their are any and plus like it and tell your friends because I'm back in business and I won't leave for a while!!!!
@dancinginthedark_lad yeah the one ive just put up was made about a year ago, just I never shared it on here before. When I come on again, I will be putting up a newly finished story and read whatever you have shared by then:)