
this message may be offensive
Hiya I just published 3 chapters of my very first wattpad story wohoooo, I had these since the beginning of May but I wasn't quite satisfied with them but now I am kind of in a head space so I said fuck  it. Sooooo plzzzzzzzzzzzz puh leaseeee read them you won't regret it and let me now cause girlie needs encouragement. 


this message may be offensive
Hiya I just published 3 chapters of my very first wattpad story wohoooo, I had these since the beginning of May but I wasn't quite satisfied with them but now I am kind of in a head space so I said fuck  it. Sooooo plzzzzzzzzzzzz puh leaseeee read them you won't regret it and let me now cause girlie needs encouragement.