  • انضمDecember 28, 2014


الرسالة الأخيرة
laurislame laurislame Jul 30, 2016 08:06AM
guys guys guys this is vERY important so pls go read the recent part to my books and feel free to ask questions if needed :-)
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم lauren
entirety ;  بقلم laurislame
entirety ;
en·tire·ty (n.) enˈtī(ə)rtē,enˈtīrədē/ the whole of something. or the story of how she gave him all the stars...
+1 أكثر
room 17 :: m.g.c بقلم laurislame
room 17 :: m.g.c
"Dear Person in Room 17, Not to sound creepy or anything, but I could hear you screaming last night. And...
+3 أكثر