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Hi there, Laurus! (I hope it is Laurus. I want to add a space but I’m not exactly sure where!) Thank you for your follow… and for your interest in my books I guess you’ve found ‘A Kitten called Cat’. For some reason, it’s enjoying an explosion of popularity at the moment. Don’t miss the sequel, ‘A Cat called Kat’. If you enjoy those, you might also like my ‘Wild Rose’ series: ‘Car’, ‘Rose’ and ‘Unleashed’. Then there is ‘Beyond the Wave’, which revolves around a similar relationship dynamic though in a very different context. And, I’ve just finished releasing ‘Rhiannon - Dragonrider’. But be warned - my dragons do not fit the current model of friendly, cuddly creatures. They are cruel and they eat people! Some of my readers have expressed surprise at this. - GN -