
How many years since I last visited? Gosh it feels ages ago, yet "only" a year and a half passed. So many things happened in my life, and others too. Glad to be back...


Ok so you're suppose to change the phone's language setting ok lol (o >▼<)o
          Currently trying to finish the first chapter and publish it today but my baes are so distracting (TT^TT)
          Ps: no one's going to help me brainstorming kingdom names? (ú_ù )


Help wanted!! I need inspiration to create a kingdom's name for a new fantasy story I had in mind. Preferably with A, L or PH in it.
          And don't worry guys, the first chapter of Blank should be up by the next week or so (if my parents don't suddenly decide to go anywhere this holiday, that's it). Look forward to it! ;D


Well since I got tagged by @Lynx_Nightmares
          Here's 20 facts about me
          1. I'm a girl (shhhh I know most of you know this but I chose what I want to share)
          2. My alias in wattpad is Ell, but in fact my real name don't even have any 'E's or 'L's.
          3. I will be 19 next year.
          4. I miss my friends... yep High School time is the best for me T^T
          5. I fell in love with many fictional characters (if you read my bio you knew this already) ...
          6. ... but I never fell for someone irl. Honestly.
          7. A procrastinator through and through. I inherited the genes from my parents (no wonder...)
          8. I love-hate my siblings...
          9. ... because I'm the first child?
          10. I'm lazy
          11. I hate to be called stupid; and treated as such.
          12. I have 300++ unread books in my wattpad library
          13. I'm a TGGBB fan! Hello fellow Musketeers ^_^ (Jordan is bae <3)
          14. Don't ever ridicule Detective Conan/ BoBoiBoy in front of me (or somewhere I can see for that matter) or else...
          15. I dislike fanfictions. The only times you can found me reading one is either I ship that couple so much (coughNaLucough); I'm not one of the fans (I do read some of 1D & 5SOS fanfics but I'm not their fans); it's written by one of my friends irl (shoutout to Hezzo @hashtonsbae !!); or the writing is just so good I can't resist reading it.
          16. I have a good standard (or so I think) in what I call as decent, good or great story, but in fanfics genre the bars are staked higher.
          17. Sometimes I think of myself as a burden to my family & friends...
          18. I'm usually a positive person but when things got really bleak... prepare for the storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions,  just basically anything.
          19. I have 2 books in my draft. Don't ask me when will I publish them, maybe never.
          20. I hate, despise, with every fiber of my being the FangxBBB ship. No. Never. I won't listen to whatever reason why this crack ship existed. Not even in billions of years, or more. BBB is a Muslim and that's THAT.
          >Roger n Out<


@lavendragon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@hashtonsbae  you're welcome ^_^ I love reading your stories anyway 


awwww thanks for that lil shoutout ☺️