Well since I got tagged by @Lynx_Nightmares
Here's 20 facts about me
1. I'm a girl (shhhh I know most of you know this but I chose what I want to share)
2. My alias in wattpad is Ell, but in fact my real name don't even have any 'E's or 'L's.
3. I will be 19 next year.
4. I miss my friends... yep High School time is the best for me T^T
5. I fell in love with many fictional characters (if you read my bio you knew this already) ...
6. ... but I never fell for someone irl. Honestly.
7. A procrastinator through and through. I inherited the genes from my parents (no wonder...)
8. I love-hate my siblings...
9. ... because I'm the first child?
10. I'm lazy
11. I hate to be called stupid; and treated as such.
12. I have 300++ unread books in my wattpad library
13. I'm a TGGBB fan! Hello fellow Musketeers ^_^ (Jordan is bae <3)
14. Don't ever ridicule Detective Conan/ BoBoiBoy in front of me (or somewhere I can see for that matter) or else...
15. I dislike fanfictions. The only times you can found me reading one is either I ship that couple so much (coughNaLucough); I'm not one of the fans (I do read some of 1D & 5SOS fanfics but I'm not their fans); it's written by one of my friends irl (shoutout to Hezzo @hashtonsbae !!); or the writing is just so good I can't resist reading it.
16. I have a good standard (or so I think) in what I call as decent, good or great story, but in fanfics genre the bars are staked higher.
17. Sometimes I think of myself as a burden to my family & friends...
18. I'm usually a positive person but when things got really bleak... prepare for the storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, just basically anything.
19. I have 2 books in my draft. Don't ask me when will I publish them, maybe never.
20. I hate, despise, with every fiber of my being the FangxBBB ship. No. Never. I won't listen to whatever reason why this crack ship existed. Not even in billions of years, or more. BBB is a Muslim and that's THAT.
>Roger n Out<