
@QuietStorm no problem (: I know how you feel hahhaa and I am glad to be able to do that...
          	 And thank you, it was a random thought, maybe I'll actually do the story Idk, I have so many going on right now...haha and I don't like wolf stories so if you want, you can have the idea


@QuietStorm no problem (: I know how you feel hahhaa and I am glad to be able to do that...
           And thank you, it was a random thought, maybe I'll actually do the story Idk, I have so many going on right now...haha and I don't like wolf stories so if you want, you can have the idea


I was wondering, what if there was a book (wolf thing) about an alpha who didn't know he was an alpha nor a wolf and he mated with this girl he hated, or a nerd girl everybody made fun of and he knew he liked her but he couldn;t stop making fun of her or something. It be pretty fun to read.. something like.
          "I love you," I told her as I looked into her eyes. I knew what I'd said just then was true, but I just couldn't keep myself from laughing at her expression.
          "NOT" I continued as my face turned into a mocking expression before it went back to the seriousness I was feeling before.
          "Seriously though. I do." I said serious once again. Why the hell was I feeling that. She didn't even give me hormonal overdrive. Just a little. Nobody could know though.


wanna know what I hate more than needing to pee but you're right at the climax of the book you are currently reading so you take the book in with you to the bathroom but you pee so fast that you forget to read the book you took to the bathroom and when you read it again you realize the climax wasn't as good as you thought it was before because what made it so good before was your agitation because you needed to pee? This is what I hate more: not getting any reads AT ALL! makes me sad. I feel like deleting everything, but then all MY hardwork goes to waste. But whatever right?


HEY YO. I just wrote my first song in like, the history of my 16 years.. I am actually pretty proud, and I'm thinking of posting it as one of Hayley's songs from Recreating Myself, since she is actually alot like me. yay