
Hi guys....ive heard....bad tbings...about .e......first....i woukd like to own jt up, and anyone I have hurt, i apologize,,,gulp,,,
          	To any grooming things, I personally don't understand them,,,I always told my friends to tell me if I made them uncomfortable, and if they didn't tell me then I didn't know.
          	I think I also heard something abt cream the rabbit but like I think that was something I came across and me myself was uncomfortable with jt, so NO i don't support the sexualization of fictional children then and i still dont now!!! have any thing else you think I did was problematic, please tell me so I can explain/apologize. Will be late to any response cause I don't even use this site fr


this message may be offensive
Again, I do take full responsibility for any actions I've done, and won't be doing some narcissistic "ohh idk who i was at the time" type shit. I've kinda already left this site so there isn't much of a reason to say "leavinf the internet"


Hi guys....ive heard....bad tbings...about .e......first....i woukd like to own jt up, and anyone I have hurt, i apologize,,,gulp,,,
          To any grooming things, I personally don't understand them,,,I always told my friends to tell me if I made them uncomfortable, and if they didn't tell me then I didn't know.
          I think I also heard something abt cream the rabbit but like I think that was something I came across and me myself was uncomfortable with jt, so NO i don't support the sexualization of fictional children then and i still dont now!!! have any thing else you think I did was problematic, please tell me so I can explain/apologize. Will be late to any response cause I don't even use this site fr


this message may be offensive
Again, I do take full responsibility for any actions I've done, and won't be doing some narcissistic "ohh idk who i was at the time" type shit. I've kinda already left this site so there isn't much of a reason to say "leavinf the internet"


cum sjar


Hatebthat you cant add emojis....sifhh


@NotAFantasyWriter35 also its actually () "Cum jar."


@taintedjacob WHATTT WHO DOES WTF if theybare on thjs site please telk ne so incan block them,,,


Ik i said id move but i forgot my old account stuff so im JUST here to telk you my new insta @ is futakittenchan


Bye bye


@MyMumLeftMe new account to start myself fresh