
Thanks so much for reading and voting for and commenting on my story BOYS OF SUMMER! ❤️


@utterlyexhausted aw thanks! You'd probably like my other Larry short In the Dark, too then. Similar sort of vibe, maybe a bit darker (no pun intended)


Dude no problem-I actually like love it so much and I rarely get into anything ❤️❤️


Did you delete If I Could Fly? Wattpad won't let me download the story.


I write based on my emotions and my surroundings. I can't get myself in the mindset to finish the story properly so I'm going to take it down for a while until I can get myself back into it. I'm really sorry but I'd rather take a story down to keep more people from reading it then leave it up and make updates that completely ruin the plot line and mess up how I originally meant for the story to go


actually it's me I'm really stupid and wattpad changed the save button to publish and every time I go to hit save it publishes my chapter I'm working on when it's not done and I flip out and unpublish it but don't worry the next chapter will be up later tonight finished