
I’m going back to public school tomorrow updated and books might be slow as hell now 


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I’m amazed people still write x readers about minors and think it’s okay it’s so fucking gross 


I'm amazed people still write x readers at all


Yeah it sucks


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So I’ve actually been making some mental progress in my new book as I’ve made it 4 chapters in within 3 days so the odds of this coming out anywhere between 1 week-2 months is actually pretty high.
          I’m honestly in love with it right now, it’s reflecting more towards a life of someone a know.
          I have many ideas for more books and I’ve been pretty motivated recently so definitely expect a shit tone of work coming out within the next couple months.
          I’ve got an idea going for a dark Academic type story set in a complete fantasy world and I think it will be pretty cool. 
          As always have a poggers day bitches  


Ayup started my next book.
          This one will be longer and I have time to sit down and work on it so it won’t be as rushed as the others.
          I’m still going to be working on the my oneshot book but I will be putting more time into this new one. 
          If there are any other story’s/books anyone would like to see just tell me and I’ll get to it at some point.
          After this book I will be starting on a shorter small add on to Karlxanxiety but I will be waiting to release it for a couple of months souly because what he talked about on stream a couple of days ago.
          It feels slightly wrong to me to be releasing books about mental health when he talked about going threw some stuff at the moment so I’ll be waiting.
          I’m estimating around September/October for it to be released. 
          Have a nice day


Alright hello everyone!
          So I just published my second fanfic and I want to talk about a couple things really quickly.
          I am going to continue to write fanfic but stuff coming it will be slow, I want to spend more time on it and have it longer as a book I’ve been working on since January only takes around 30 minutes to finish.
          I plan on started I oneshot book based around songs by people such as Crywank, mother mother, flatsound, arctic monkey, etc, this will be little side projects that I have so I can still be at least a little consistent in uploads while also being able to spend time on books that aren’t oneshots.
          I want to be able to but my best work out for full fanfics and be able to spend my time on them without feeling a little rushed to get work out. I feel like it’s just in general best to be able to be constantly putting stuff out while also writing the intire book at once then publish it. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging for up to months because I want to publish the whole thing at once.
          I understand I do not have to publish the whole thing at once but I don’t want people to be starting the book only for it to hi unfinished and get left for up to months cause I can get distracted/ lose motivation in stuff very easily.
          I hope this made since but it is 6 am and I haven’t slept yet so yeah.
          Have a nice day.


I meant it took 30 minutes to read*