Alright hello everyone!
So I just published my second fanfic and I want to talk about a couple things really quickly.
I am going to continue to write fanfic but stuff coming it will be slow, I want to spend more time on it and have it longer as a book I’ve been working on since January only takes around 30 minutes to finish.
I plan on started I oneshot book based around songs by people such as Crywank, mother mother, flatsound, arctic monkey, etc, this will be little side projects that I have so I can still be at least a little consistent in uploads while also being able to spend time on books that aren’t oneshots.
I want to be able to but my best work out for full fanfics and be able to spend my time on them without feeling a little rushed to get work out. I feel like it’s just in general best to be able to be constantly putting stuff out while also writing the intire book at once then publish it. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging for up to months because I want to publish the whole thing at once.
I understand I do not have to publish the whole thing at once but I don’t want people to be starting the book only for it to hi unfinished and get left for up to months cause I can get distracted/ lose motivation in stuff very easily.
I hope this made since but it is 6 am and I haven’t slept yet so yeah.
Have a nice day.