During her tenure as CEO of LexCorp, Talia falls victim to a kidnapping orchestrated by Nyssa Raatko, her half-sister. Seeking retribution against Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa repeatedly murders Talia and resurrects her in the Lazarus Pit, subjecting her to a relentless cycle of death and revival until she succumbs to a state of psychological disarray and manipulation.
Driven by her newfound allegiance to Nyssa, Talia is coerced into carrying out a fatal mission to eliminate Ra's al Ghul, an act witnessed by Batman himself. Subsequently, Nyssa usurps Ra's's position as the leader of the League of Assassins following his demise. Despite her resurrection, Talia remains bound to Nyssa, faithfully serving her until her eventual demise. (Adapted from "Death and the Maidens").