
Hello to you all, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I'd like to keep this short
          	I'm quitting wattpad. I don't know if I'm gonna come back one day. I will still read books on this platform as this is one of my favorite apps. 
          	Thank you all for supporting me, good bye I'll miss you all and I love you ❤❤
          	-I'll try to make one last update to all of my books


Hello to you all, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I'd like to keep this short
          I'm quitting wattpad. I don't know if I'm gonna come back one day. I will still read books on this platform as this is one of my favorite apps. 
          Thank you all for supporting me, good bye I'll miss you all and I love you ❤❤
          -I'll try to make one last update to all of my books


Life update!!
          I have no one to telle this too soooo imma post about it
          My phone exploded in class yesterday
          Well not exploded more like it got heated then it' caught on flames. I'm okay but I'm a little burnt in my leg and fingers cuz it's I'm pocket when it starts catching on fire


this message may be offensive
Hello kittens!
          My books will be rarely updated and for all I know AGALIA's chapter 3 will be published next week
          I updated THE BUNNY so that's out of the picture
          My dumb reason for this is.... SCHOOL yeah I'm tryana get honors
          Hope your all understand this long ass messenge my sweet not so innocent kittens~
          -your lazy author lazuli


@lazuli098 School is easy- but higher grades are harder ig..... GOODLUCK LAZ


@lazuli098 do your best luv^^ we'll wait for your return

lazuli098's my birthday today^^
          Also advance happy birthday day Kris, I don't know if I'm aloud to reveal the date
          I'm now 12(and taller =w=) 


@lazuli098 Ok sleep comfortable dear Laz ^^


@Hotaru_Sushi906 that's fine lady taru^^pls sleep it's late


Sorry guys I will temporary discontinue all of my books 
          apologize to those who have been waiting
          I will temporary take a break from creating books so for the momment I'll be going back as a reader, 
          P.S;  lazuli


i think flirting? 