


this message may be offensive
I wrote a song that may essentially be crap but it's for Dead City the non existent metalcore band in TAOE and hopefully I'll be able to get off my lazy ass and actually get to that part of the story. 
          TW on death
          Murder On My Hands by @lazycow101
          Another day, another pain
          I'm running through hell to achieve no gain
          And oh, I'm running, I'm fucking running 
          Till my legs burn down in rotted decay
          And hey, since I'm running, maybe I'll reach heaven 
          For I've died enough times to reach number seven 
          And I begged, oh I begged and asked for forgiveness 
          But my sins did me dirty so my screams are all Useless 
          I got murder on my hands again
          Right after I said I was done
          I stole a life and then
          I knew if I continued I'd forever be gone 
          I pulled thr trigger and let it ring
          For it shattered my soul and left nothing 
          But an emptiness that I've longed for
          Since the day I died 
          Angels sang their holy tunes
          And demons screeched in their bitter ruins 
          I was pulled I'm both directions to my bitter surprise 
          For the deeds of my father served their time
          Yet I stayed in hell where I now decay 
          For if murdered myself the other day
          I got murder on my hands again
          Right after I said I was done
          I stole a life and then
          I knew if I continued I'd forever be gone 
          I pulled thr trigger and let it ring
          For it shattered my soul and left nothing 
          But an emptiness that I've longed for
          Since the day I died 
          I ran to God and asked who it was
          Who led me to hell to get left in it's claws
          With a grimace and anger he showed me a mirror 
          And staring back at me was my own killer 
          I got murder on my hands again
          Right after I said I was done
          I stole a life and then
          I knew if I continued I'd forever be gone 
          I pulled thr trigger and let it ring
          For it shattered my soul and left nothing 
          But an emptiness that I've longed for
          Since the day I died 
          Since the day I died 
          K but I'm proud of this. Just saying. AND PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK THANK YOU I LOVE YOU ALL


I feel like when trying to describe what music I listen to it never have a clue. Like I've listened to the emo garbage for the past 2 years, some random metalcore, some random edm, some random alternative, some random indie rock, some random pop the list goes on and on 


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Okay but I started this book called cemetery boys and it's is THE MOST FUCKING COOL THING I'VE READ IN MONTHSSSSSSSSS. Like legit no kidding, THE SETTING ALONE OF THE STORY IS JUST!!!!! like wow wow wow, it's really something and I absolutely loveeeeee the whole Mexican ghosts and Dead festival things mixed in with a strong lgbtq character (trans and queer) while trying to prove to his family he's deserving of a positions (involving ghosts and dead!!!!!) It's just so so cool!!!!!!!!
          I legit just sat and read the first 115 pages of it without moving, it's by Aiden Thomas and GO READ IT!!!!


Yes, go read it!!!