
Hey guys! Guess who has finally drug herself out of her grave to actually make some progress on stuff! That's right! It's the idiot you must all hate for delaying for so long ( I'm honestly so sorry about that by the way :( ) I'm working on editing some of my older chapter because looking back on them even as I work on chapter I am cringing. Hey! Maybe I'll actually get some more work done! 
          	Anyway, I do have a valid reason for not updating in a while. I got some life changing news, and I've been both stressed and very happy for the past while and hopefully y'all won't kill me for taking a break while I sort out my personal life. 
          	On top of this I've been babysitting my baby brother and sister from 7am-6pm daily. These children, who are respectively 4 and turning 3 in about 3 days, are the children of the devil, I swear! They cause so much trouble around my house I'm constantly busy with dealing with either crying, tantrums, or giant messes. Sometimes all at once. 
          	Anyway guys I'll work my hardest to start updating again soon. 
          	-The idiot who wrote an apology letter that's full of excuses, but will hopefully stop procrastinating soon, -Lora "The Idiot" Holland


@lcholland82700 lol that's called slave labor XD


I'm way too tired to be doing editing... Oh well. I'll just reedit in the morning. Thank god for weekends when I don't have to watch children! I don't even get paid for it... that's the bad part 


That makes no sense... "super procrastinating"... Anyway, I'm back!!!!!!


Hey guys! Guess who has finally drug herself out of her grave to actually make some progress on stuff! That's right! It's the idiot you must all hate for delaying for so long ( I'm honestly so sorry about that by the way :( ) I'm working on editing some of my older chapter because looking back on them even as I work on chapter I am cringing. Hey! Maybe I'll actually get some more work done! 
          Anyway, I do have a valid reason for not updating in a while. I got some life changing news, and I've been both stressed and very happy for the past while and hopefully y'all won't kill me for taking a break while I sort out my personal life. 
          On top of this I've been babysitting my baby brother and sister from 7am-6pm daily. These children, who are respectively 4 and turning 3 in about 3 days, are the children of the devil, I swear! They cause so much trouble around my house I'm constantly busy with dealing with either crying, tantrums, or giant messes. Sometimes all at once. 
          Anyway guys I'll work my hardest to start updating again soon. 
          -The idiot who wrote an apology letter that's full of excuses, but will hopefully stop procrastinating soon, -Lora "The Idiot" Holland


@lcholland82700 lol that's called slave labor XD


I'm way too tired to be doing editing... Oh well. I'll just reedit in the morning. Thank god for weekends when I don't have to watch children! I don't even get paid for it... that's the bad part 


That makes no sense... "super procrastinating"... Anyway, I'm back!!!!!!


I'm so happy you are reading my book. It is meant for kids your age. That makes me so happy. Feel free to keep those comments and votes coming. It means a lot. Seriously. Thanks again. 


Aww, of course! It's really very good so far, I love the descriptions especially, though everything about the book so far is amazing! Don't worry, I will! I have to actually get some sleep right now, but I'll be reading your book whenever I get the time tomorrow ^.^


Okay guys! Lora here, and I have some good news! My musical performances are next weekend, which means I might actually be able to have a life again! (Well. Comparatively. I didn't have much of one before the musical either, so I can't place all the blame on the musical, even though I do spend all of my time there by now. I spend more time there than I do at home and awake. I live there now, apparently.) Good news number two is that my mother actually agreed to letting me go on an exchange trip to Russia next year! (Yay!!)
          And last, but not least... *Drumroll please!* I connected my laptop to my tv screen so that i can officially use it again, so I can post regularly again!!! (Since it was my laptop screen that was broken and not the actual laptop itself, I can still use my keyboard and trackpad and everything :) The screen might even be fixable too, so that's a plus also ^.^ ) Anyway, night peoples!
          QotD: Do you guys take or know a second language? If so, what is it? Are you fluent in it?  Do you know any other languages? If so, how many and which is your favorite? Are you fluent in any of them?
          I do, actually. I am entering my first semester of college level Russian next year, and I've taken it for almost 5 years now, ever since 6th grade :). I'm not fluent, but I'm good enough to be eligible to go on the trip to Russia next year. I don't know any others, besides, well, English, but I would love to learn Italian.


@butterfly_effect Honestly? I've seen a lot of native English speakers make more errors in writing than you do  And yeah! Compared to German or something the grammar rules are incredibly consistent and you don't have to worry about congregating words like the or is, because they don't  exist in the language as their own separate word. Plus, like I said before, if you know the word you pretty much know how to spell it. 


@lcholland82700 Oh! So Russian is regarded as easy to learn? I see!
            Hehe really? It didn't seem like English was my second language? Maybe I'm one step closer to my dream XD


@butterfly_effect Actually, once you get past the alphabet it's incredibly easy!!! It's fun to learn too, and considering it's a phonetic language spelling isn't often a problem.  Really? I honestly would never have guessed English was your second language and not your first! If your not fluent, you definitely are very close to it!


Thanks for the following!


I'll be sure to check out your stuff when I get the chance. (Time isn't something I have much of lately, but I might be able to look at it on Sunday :) )


And thanks for following me :) 


Hey guys, Lora here again with some news regarding Child of the Inferno. I know I haven't updated and I'm so so sorry but because my laptop broke a few weeks ago and I despise typing on my phone I've been having some troubles getting work done on it. I'm considering pulling an all-nighter at some point this weekend just so I can get something done... Again I'm so sorry! I'm going to be umpiring some little league softball games soon, so hopefully that bring in enough cash to buy a replacement screen and get my stepfather to fix the stupid thing. Curse my little brother for knocking it off my desk... Gr... Anyway! I'll let you guys know if it's close to being done...
          QotD: Do you guys prefer typing on a laptop/computer or a phone or tablet? Why?
          My answer: Laptop, because my phone likes to be SO DANG STUPID and my tablet keyboard sucks... 
          Talk to you guys later! Loralei, signing off!


@lcholland82700 DEFINITELY laptop ... i REFUSE to use my phone for wattpad


@lcholland82700 Laptop because everything seems easier :D


Hey guys! I just got my first interview on Wattpad, courtesy of the amazing author @AlmightyNovel!! Go check it out, and take a look at Almighty's other works too while you are at it :) Talk to you guys later!


@lcholland82700 sure! Good luck to your homework and writing :D


Oh sweet! Yeah I'm sorry I'm not quite caught up with that yet, but I will be when I'm done with the homework that I happen to be avoiding doing... 


Thanks for following me! :) I enjoy reading Child of the Inferno!! Hope you'll enjoy reading my piece too when you have time :)


Get well soon!! I like that you are still full of energy despite the sickness and the broken laptop! XD And thank you so much! :)


Thanks! I've been sick so I've got a lot to catch up on, including attempting to update with a broken laptop (IT WASNT ME I SWEAR! IT WAS MY LITTLE BROTHER!), but when I get another update up I'll see about finishing up with a bunch of books ^.^ (I just put your book in my library a little earlier today!)I'll read t as soon as I can!


QotD: Any special talents? (Besides, you know, reading fast or writing well xD) 
          My answer: I can actually sing fairly well and I love to compose music or write lyrics.  ^.^


@lcholland82700 XD "master overlord" ... yes, I like it :P


 @Somethingshere I can relate. Considering you must've spent your whole life honing that skill, I would consider you a master overlord of eating. Me, personally, I love that as a leisure activity, and I treat it like yoga. If I forget to do it, to heck with it until I actually need to do it xD


@lcholland82700 idk eating?? it's something I've been working on for a while now, and I humbly consider myself an expert :P