
Could you do something similar to Fresh Start ? 


Ok ! I can’t wait. 


@KianQuigley3 if you mean another story, I have a couple on the go right now that are nowhere near ready to be posted, but I am working on them 


 Hey I am going to be writing another story but I don’t know who to do it on Matthew Casey kelly severide or jay halstead and I would really love to know what you think thank you  


@MeganHeaps9 Hi! Thanks for asking me, I feel honoured  And I know it isn't much help but it really honestly depends on which character you have ideas for. I have another story I am writing right now that I suddenly had an idea for that I wasnt planning on writing but I guess that's just how it works ‍♀️ Whoever you feel the most comfortable writing about, do it, you'll enjoy it more x


 I have just read the new chapter and I love it and I know it may seem like I’m pressuring you but I’m not it’s just you inspire me so much  so I can’t wait for chapter 26 if there is going to be one but don’t make it seem like I’m pressuring you it’s just you simply inspire me 


@MeganHeaps9 Don't worry about it! I love how enthusiastic you are and I really am grateful for the support. There will be a chapter 26, I have 28 written out and I have plans for many more. Thank you for all your kind words, it means so much ❤️


 Hey I can’t wait for you to update your fresh start story again bc I have just finished readying the newest two chapters and it’s getting every more interesting than it already was so I can’t wait for the next chapter or chapters 


@MeganHeaps9 I definitely will! Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate them 


 I can say you definitely made up for it and I can’t wait for the next chapter but if you want you can read my jay halstead story   Bc I am just about to write the next chapter 


@MeganHeaps9 yeah, sorry about that, I found a couple of mistakes and changed them but pressed a wrong button so it republished it. There are 21 parts up because there are 20 chapters and 1 for the characters. So again, sorry, I will update in the next few days to make up for it ❤