
Hi, I just wanted to say I started reading your book yesterday — it was recommended to me by one of my followers — and I’m honestly just overwhelmed trying to find the words to explain how beautifully written it is. I started reading around 9 pm last night in-between doing other tasks and didn’t go to bed until 2 am…I just couldn’t stop. It’s such an emotionally compelling story and I’ve already teared up several times. I still have a ways to go, but I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for sharing it with us all. It already takes so much bravery to share something you’ve created with the world, and I feel like it’s even more difficult when you’re sharing something that’s deep; something that’s not all sunshine and roses. So, thank you. It’s such an emotionally compelling story. I’ve had to take a few breaks in-between reading because my heart feels like it might just shatter at some moments, but I crave more. It feels like being on an emotional rollercoaster that’s simultaneously overwhelming and thrilling, and I don’t ever want to get off. I love the unique perspective you took with this fanfic, too. Even with its really heavy parts, it’s refreshing to read a different kind of Green Day fanfic. 
          Your writing is absolutely captivating. Seriously, I am a fan for life. Thank you for the escape. Thank you for creating something so beautiful. I can’t wait to read more. ❤️


@tragicalamadness thank you very very much!! I appreciate you sticking through til the end :) I’d love to write another someday, once I can remove myself from these characters and versions of the guys. Maybe one day lol


I’m sorry my reply is so late, but it was absolutely amazing. I loved it. Definitely hard to read at some parts, but also so captivating. If you ever choose to write another story, I’ll definitely be there to read it.
            I’m a fan for life. 


Oh my goodness thank you so so much!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. It’s my baby so I love to hear that. You’ve made my whole week, thank you! I hope you like the rest of it and would love to see what you think of it when you’re finished :)