Hi! I know I’m so late that I have just finished reading ‘Thorn Roses’ by now. It was such a beautiful and well-delivered story. I’m really amazed at the way you composed the words and arranged the plot. I’m just totally and deeply in love with your work! I hope you’ll continue delivering such incredible stories like this. Hwaiting!!
@keyvina I’m glad you like that one too! <3 And it’s the readers feedbacks that really made it worth writing them ^^
@lea_dora my pleasure!! I’m currently reading Heechul’s one right now—as expected, I’m also in love with it! Thank you so much for writing these beautiful stories <3
I have finished reading your fanfic of Leeteuk... omg you've made me cry. I have been on wattpad hiatus for almost a month because of busy schedule and this is just the perfect story to pull me back into reading mode. Thank you for writing those fanfic, it was really good. Btw, I'm still waiting for Eunhyuk and Siwon's. I do hope more ELF or even regular readers read and vote for your story.
@doublezero9 thank you so much you’re really nice !! ^^ and thank you for the suju cheer as well! I’m usually the type to do my best, but I guess I’m just tired these days. But I’ll try to gain more strength and do what I have to (and be the Last Man Standing haha) !
hey its ok... I'm already a fan and will wait for it patiently. Sorry if life's hard right now, I don't know what is going on with your life or you're just busy... but take one step (or problem) at a time. Motivation... well that's a hard one. Personally, I do things because I have to do it... I'm a go getter so go figure... to cheer you up, the SuJu cheer... Kill them all (well, not literally ok?!!) And be the Last Man Standing!!!
@doublezero9 I'm glad you liked it and thank you so much for these kind words :) About the other stories, the Eunhyuk and Siwon ones, I can't really promise anything right now, my life is a mess and I don't know when I'll have the time or motivation to write them. But I have my notes jotted down in a notebook, so I'll definitely write them, I just don't know when. Thank you again for reading this story and commenting as well!!
Hey! Its me again... just finish reading the Tuekkie... pretty goog too. When will you update? Sorry I'm just really excited to read the rest... please don't take too long... pali pali
I'll be waiting for your fanfic of Eunhyuk... thank you thank you... excuse me I'll be read now what you've update...
@doublezero9 Yes, I actually have a draft of that Eunhyuk story that I would eventually want to further develop and update here. Even though this was a Leeteuk fanfic, I loved writing more about Eunhyuk, he's definitely my bias wrecker in Suju. The Siwon fic is a bit of a mystery even to me, though, but I finally have something in mind for him as well. It's not pressuring at all, I'm very happy whenever I get such nice feedbacks, so thank you so much!
Omg! That is sooo nice too hear... can't wait for it. You've mention about Eunhyuk fic right? After having more "screentime" in this story... I can't wait what you'll come up with his. I know I stan both Heechul and Siwon (I am still waiting for his story ) both I'd gladly read Eunhyuk first because he's so lovable in your story. I was laughing when he was stammering. Again, thank you for writing these stories. Sorry if I'm pressuring
I've just read your story about Heechul... omg! That was so good... I'm going to read the one about Tuekkie now. I stan Heechul and was thinking that if he has a love life that story would be perfect. I was reading it with the korean accent I always hear when Heechul speak... it was so fun! I wish you could make a story for all of them... not trying to pressure you or anything but I'm looking forward (if you could make) to Siwon. Well, I'm gonna read about Tuekkie's
@doublezero9 wow thank you so much! I’m really glad you liked it, and hopefully the Leeteuk one won’t disappoint you either :) I was thinking about writing a Siwon fic as well, although currently I have more ideas in mind for either a Kyuhyun or Eunhyuk fanfic. We’ll see what happens though. Thank you again for reading!
@okbaekkiee Thank you so much ^^ I started writing book 2 for i just do a couple of months ago but lost all my motivation, so that story is on hiatus now. I want to write more Heechul/SJ ffc in the future, though. I'm updating the Leeteuk fanfic for now and then we'll see:)