"I want a dog." She said
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// I lowkey need a nice cover for my mb book xp Anyone willing to make a smexy cover? ;)) xD
@southsidebadass // me too. i sometimes take cold showers in the summer time just because it gets so hot and i feel like i'm in a toaster
@leadingserpent- // that sucks, I can barely take it here , I honestly prefer being cold over being hot.
"I want a dog." She said
mr jones, it's great seeing you again.
@leadingserpent- no need to thank me, mr jones. i'm just saying what i really think, which is most likely the truth.
Hayley had stopped by the bar to say hi to her mother, who was a bartender at the bar. She sat on one of the stools as she and her mother talked. As she got up Hayley saw FP. "He's back?"
@leadingserpent- Hayley whispered to her mother. She mother nodded "What do you want for a drink FP? Beer or are you still going sober?" Hayley just watched her mother and drank her water.
@HayleyVixen the gang leader had sat down a few stools down from her before glancing over his shoulder and scanning the bar.
// I lowkey need a nice cover for my mb book xp Anyone willing to make a smexy cover? ;)) xD
@southsidebadass // me too. i sometimes take cold showers in the summer time just because it gets so hot and i feel like i'm in a toaster
@leadingserpent- // that sucks, I can barely take it here , I honestly prefer being cold over being hot.
The female serpent had her back leaned against the wall of the serpent bar, counting the stack of money in her hands. She usually hustled money from other serpents that challenged her in pool. And she was definitely very skilled in playing pool, taking after her father. The serpent jacket hugging her body and curved, her infamous smirk playing on her lips. She glanced up noticing him, "F.P, hey"She greeted.
@southsidebadass "what are you smiling about?" he asked her after glancing over at her. // sure fam xD
Raven downed the rest of her drink before putting it down on the counter, with a small smile. // wanna just continue in pm cause this is getting hella' long ? XD
The brunette looked at him with narrowed eyes. "FP Jones?" She tilted her head. "I've heard lot about you. Aren't you the leader of that -- what do you call it?" She snapped her fingers. "Ah! Southside Serpents?" She gave a nod. "What exactly do you guys do?"
[@leadingserpent-] Evelyn let go of his hand and she rolled her eyes. "I have a name, you know." informed the girl, getting annoyed with the nickname. "Evelyn K. Lodge." She bowed. "At your service." The girl looked up at the leader, hoping he would actually call her by her real name -- that is if they ever spoke again.
@damnlodge fp looked at her hand and back at her before taking her hand with a firm grip and shaking it. "You too, girl," he said to her, still wondering what her name was.
[@leadingserpent-] Rolling her brown eyes, she nodded. "I suppose we are." She put her hand out for him to shake. "It was a pleasure meeting you, F.P. Jones." she merely said. She learned a decent amount of things about him during to the short confrontation and she was glad she did.
Oh my god. You're back! How did you get sheriff Keller to release you?
@leadingserpent- it is. It'll look good on my college resume once im done with my education.
@sunshcnejournalcst she's definitely a stick in the mud, but that's good for you.
@leadingserpent- also, mrs. Cooper gave me a job at the register. She can be unbearable sometimes though.
@okayjones I guess things just seemed to work out, but let's not talk about that. how are you and your girl doing, jug?
@leadingserpent- I've been...coping. i don't understand how're you not in jail? i mean i'm glad you AREN'T but still
@fieryheart- the name fits you. and now i'm assuming that you don't know me? -arches a brow-
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