
For some reason, I don't think update notifications are working for most readers... but the new chapter of 'Bad Liar' is up. 


@yerimesme thanks for letting me know, that’s so annoying


There’s a glitch so no one has been getting  their usual notification alert 


@DesWes323 Yeah you’re not the only one who didn’t, only a few people got the notification. Hopefully it’s just a one time thing 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Hey babe I need your help my friend is also going through some copyright shit someone stole her work and could you give her some tips on how to get it back?


It isn’t worth going over with them, the team is useless and it’s exhausting. I argued for days saying that fanfic like mine fuel this site and there are PLL ones that have been on this site for over ten years without being taken down, which they refused to accept. In the end, the team stopped replying to me. When I sent another complaint after yet another person copied me, but now I didn’t have my original book to attest it, they flat-out ignored me. 
            Again, I’m so sorry this has happened to your friend. In future, if she does continuing writing (which I really hope she does), I would personally write on the message board of the user who stole your friend’s work that they are copying or comment on their book under the parts that are stolen. Usually, users are pretty quick to apologise and unpublish. However, some might block you so if they do, make sure you or other readers can then go on to comment. If there are other books, check they haven’t stolen from other authors too; most likely, they have. Also if she feels like a book is copying or close to it, block them. Always take screenshots too. Of stolen parts, posts or any interaction with a use plagiarising. It’s usually a good idea to compare both stories side-by-side so you can see how much is stolen and have proof. Even if they’re adamant they haven’t copied, usually when you say you have screenshots, it’s enough to scare them to remove it. The threat of reporting is good too because most people wouldn’t know Wattpad can remove fanfics over copyright of shows etc either. 


Hey lovely, I’m so sorry that’s happening to your friend. It’s gut-wrenching, I can imagine how hopeless she feels right now. 
            Unfortunately, if it was removed by Wattpad for copyright of a show/book etc (gathering it’s the same thing I went through), she won’t get the book back. The only reason mine is, is because a lovely reader emailed me the book she had downloaded and I had to republish. All the votes, comments, reads from before are gone forever; it’s literally like starting fresh. 
            I don’t know fully why this happens. Guessing from my experience (someone who has reported a few stories to Wattpad and never had this issue until a couple months ago) it most likely happens because if your friend or a reader of theirs reports an account/story for copyright and then the other user appeals it. I had a message from Wattpad saying my story was removed for copying (which blew my mind at the audacity when it was word for word) another user then when I appealed it, they changed it to copyright of the original tv show so the app didn’t have to give it me back. From research, it probably means they’ve already deleted it and can’t get it back anyway. Wattpad can take both books because their policy says that this specific type of fanfic (even though their app is full of it) is against their rules. 


For some reason, I don't think update notifications are working for most readers... but the new chapter of 'Bad Liar' is up. 


@yerimesme thanks for letting me know, that’s so annoying


There’s a glitch so no one has been getting  their usual notification alert 


@DesWes323 Yeah you’re not the only one who didn’t, only a few people got the notification. Hopefully it’s just a one time thing 


You know what’s funny? In PLL, they had a never-ending November and what’s happening now, it’s been a long January and a lot has happened.


SO MUCH has happened in January, I’m so glad it’s over. I’ve got my first book back and up, now I just get to focus on season 5!!


OMG , I've been binge reading your PLL book , and I'm honestly amazed. How do you plan everything so it makes sense? You keep track of every tiny detail , and for the mess that is PLL, you make it seem so easy! I love how you write ; what a shame that there are such mean people in this app


Ahhh that means so much to me!! THANK YOU!! It’s taken me forever to make sure I have everything planned out fully, so I’m really grateful you’re appreciating it. I have A LOT of notebooks and mind maps for each season to keep track of what’s happening. I planned out the rest of the series during season 3 so I knew 100% what I was writing; I knew I didn’t want to really change much until season 4. Thank you again, I hope you enjoy reading the rest!!


Hi, any updates on when the rest of ur book will be republished? No rush btw take ur time just wondering. 


Hi, it’s definitely happening this month!! I’m not sure when yet, I’ve been focusing on getting more of season 5 out currently. But season 2 should be up soon, and it’ll all be republished together. 


Oi, onde está o primeiro livro? Você pode enviar para mim?


Hi, the first book is partially back up after it was removed by wattpad. It’s just the first season for now, the second will follow soon 


The year has gone by so fast, I can’t believe the holidays are this week and both Xmas and Hanukkah are on the same day and I’m excited to see your next chapter. Or should I say Christmanukahh?


I can’t believe how the year is almost over, this year had gone by too fast. Oh that’s so cute that it’s on the same day, I hope you have a wonderful time! The next chapter is done. It’ll be up very soon. 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Hmmm, so according to one user, my character was terrible enough to be making multiple statuses about... but they were reading it on someone else's account under a white face-claim and enjoying the character... they were sad they couldn't reread the other user's story because it got taken down for stealing my work... saying karma got me and I'm a 'wannabe' because my story got removed... and now they're creating second accounts to still comment and follow me, pretending to 'love' my book while still making statuses about me??
          FUCK THE FUCK OFF.
          Blocking, unblocking, muting, unmuting me because you're getting mad over a fanfic is actually pathetic for you. GET A FUCKING GRIP AND GROW THE HELL UP - IT'S WATTPAD, IT'S FANFICTION, IT'S PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, ME NOT LIKING YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER WAS NEVER THAT SERIOUS. I won't hesitate to come for you this time and block your ass again if you show up with yet another account. It's pathetic.


@leahsayshiorhey mind you Alison’s character only had a complete 180 because of the actress’s weight. Which is also a missed opportunity of using perception to someone’s advantage like jenna did with her disability. 


I have a feeling that they don’t watch the show at all or they do watch the show, but make up excuses for their favorite character and justify their actions. 


@sarasong101 Mona was never a victim is a shocking statement when her whole motive for being A was her being bullied. I swear we’re not watching the same show as they are. 


I'm so glad I found your Book and I hope you get your other back soon. Much love and support. 


Hi — thank you! I’m hoping I do too, but it looks like it’ll have to be a reupload from me instead. 