
Yo, thinking about doing a Q&A if you wanna know anything about me!
          	Just comment either under here or in my one-shot book (because that has the most room tbh) a question u want answered!


I literally just went and voted on almost everything of yours.  Sorry for the spam. 


@BlackIsntJustaColor No no, it is fine! Thank you! It's nice to know that u like my writing that much!


You know that one person that is the really pretty chocolate cupcake you don't want to eat because of these two reasons:
          1) They are almost too perfect, but there's no visible flaw so you want to get to see the inside to really get their own personal "taste" (personality)
          2) Someone else has dug their dirty little claws into them and is flaunting it in front of your face, but you can't slap them because you might hurt that precious little cupcake, and you don't want to do that.


@leajamjam sounds like me and my friends that are girls 


[A]vailable: Huh?
          [B]irthday: January 30 1999
          [C]rush: I don't believe in love. 
          [D]rink I last had: Snapple!
          [E]asiest person to talk to: @Crysgirl1 
          [F]avorite song: I have lots.
          [G]rade I hated the most: All of them.
          [H]ome town: No comment.
          [I]m in love with: Books
          [J]ealous of: *tilts head* What's jealousy?
          [K]illed someone: What? No...maybe...kidding.
          [L]ongest relationship: 2 years
          [M]eanest person in school: Michael...
          [N]umber of siblings: 8
          [O]ne wish: World peace. Yeah go ahead laugh. But still...
          [P]erson I last called: I don't usually start the calls.
          [Q]uestion I always get asked: Are you crazy?!
          [R]eason to smile: Dudes. ICE. CREAM.
          [S]ong last sung: I hum, not sing.
          [T]ime I woke up: I don't sleep.
          [V]ery best friend: @UnicornGiraffeTacoNa
          [Y]our last time you cried: I don't talk about that kind of stuff.
          [Z]odiac sign: Aquarius
          This is just for fun, so you don't have to do it!