
"Jingle bells and give 'em hell!"
          	-Quote from the drunk guy standing in front of 7-eleven with reindeer ears on, a candy cane in one hand and a coffee cup in the other (and nope I don't think there's coffee in that cup). 
          	Made me smile.


@leavemealoneimreadin hahaha it would have made me laugh too :P


Hey leavemealongimreading~Thanx for voting on “Crissa’s Mate”. And because you’re new to my work, (and such a sweetie), I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone . . . and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :)
          Warning: There's mature content in Part 4--but not anything you probably haven't already . . . thought about . . . or like me—do yourself sometimes in those solitary afternoons :) 
          Enjoy my reads. (And check out SEE MORE on my profile page: 27 works)