
I believe an end may be drawing near for my poetry, at least in the way I currently write it. My inspiration for it has left me, and my depression is doing the same. 


          2 more days and I would have made it a month without hurting myself


@chachunbp Thank you that means a lot


@leavemetofallapart thats really good i guess but the offer will always stand


@chachunbp Thanks for the offer, i really appreciate it and I'm here if you ever need help but I've managed to find my own support network to help keep me in line when these thing happen and I'm doing a lot better already 


Recently I've come up with an idea that I think could help a lot of people who are working to recover and stop self harming. It's very similar to the butterfly idea, in which you would draw a butterfly on your body wherever you would usually self harm. Then the butterfly would motivate you not to hurt yourself, so the butterfly would stay safe. My idea is to draw an angel or something of the sort on your body where you would self harm as a reminder that there is an angel trying to protect you, be it guardian angel or whatever you believe in. If you hurt yourself, you're not letting the angel do its job and protect you, so that would make them sad. Your goal is to keep your angel happy and let them do their job in protecting you. I think this would be a lot more effective for those of you who believe in angels and would get a lot of positive feedback. I'm trying it myself, and if really does work. 
          I ask all of you who are struggling to try this, and for everyone to help get the message out. Use the tag "Guardian Angel Project." It can't do much good if only my readers know about it. Tell your friends and write it into your stories to get the idea out. I believe In you guys. So get to recovering and get to sharing, because we could do some real good here, and we have work to do. 


I read your poems. I really like them, but at the same time, I am just sad. I don't want to say I feel bad, but I do. I know it may sound cheesy, but people who you may not know may be better to talk to than someone close to you. Sorry if I just made anyone else even more sad. Message me if you want. I'll leave now...


I understand, and don't feel bad about it. You're okay


Announcement to everyone:
          Why do you care so much? You don't even know me but you're all so supportive. I'm so thankful for all of you but I just don't understand 


            Because we know what it feels like; we don't wish for anyone else to feel the same as we do so we help others so they don't feel the same way. Thats why we care.